
Whether you’re stuck in a mission or planning to host an event using Escape Team – we know that there are situations in which it’s good to have a cheat sheet.

(Actually, that’s true for most situations in life, isn’t it?)

So here they are: all solution codes!

Mission 0: Training Mission

  • Phase 1: 21490
  • Phase 2: 12148
  • Phase 3: 01912

Mission 1: Central Station

  • Phase 1: 52347
  • Phase 2: 23740
  • Phase 3: 53480
  • Phase 4: 13654
  • Phase 5: 32213

Mission 2: Terminal

  • Phase 1: 41821
  • Phase 2: 84707
  • Phase 3: 26359
  • Phase 4: 21743
  • Phase 5: 36250

Mission 3: Elevator

  • Phase 1: 87459
  • Phase 2: 20832
  • Phase 3: 12271
  • Phase 4: 72883
  • Phase 5: 23324

Mission 4: Rollercoaster

  • Phase 1: 43608
  • Phase 2: 97589
  • Phase 3: 31808
  • Phase 4: 15029
  • Phase 5: 26208

Mission 5: Subway

  • Phase 1: 50328
  • Phase 2: 38129
  • Phase 3: 93638
  • Phase 4: 84810
  • Phase 5: 21468

Mission 6: Cruise Ship

  • Phase 1: 32460
  • Phase 2: 29357
  • Phase 3: 73625
  • Phase 4: 42138
  • Phase 5: 09863

Mission 7: Prison

  • Phase 1: 05450
  • Phase 2: 32738
  • Phase 3: 21945
  • Phase 4: 02372
  • Phase 5: 35426

Mission 8: Bus

  • Phase 1: 36047
  • Phase 2: 55371
  • Phase 3: 96378
  • Phase 4: 83759
  • Phase 5: 51347

Mission 9: Bank

  • Phase 1: 07734
  • Phase 2: 54781
  • Phase 3: 37269
  • Phase 4: 46029
  • Phase 5: 84372

That should give you a good head start.

But wait! What if people will ask you for HOW to solve a phase, instead of its mere solution code? Of course, Escape Team’s got you covered. Here are all the hints that the app will reveal (one per minute) over time – all at once.

Mission 0: Training Mission

Phase 1
  1. Our experts on site suggest that this seems to be about the Morse alphabet. There should be a translation table in the printed document!
  2. Translate the Morse signs using the Morse table. According to our experts, the first sign appears to be a 'T'!
  3. Every row appears to translate to a spelled-out number. The first row spells 'TWO'.
  4. Work your way through the Morse code, writing the translation above it. The second row apparently spells out 'ONE'.
  5. There are not too many numbers starting with an 'F', an 'N', and a 'Z' - maybe you can even cut some corners here?
  6. The third row spells out 'FOUR'.
  7. Row four spells out 'NINE'.
  8. You should have decoded five numbers by now: '21490'. Enter it here on the phone and press OK.
Phase 2
  1. Our experts at the crime scene believe that this code is somehow stored in this jigsaw puzzle. Cut out the pieces and start assembling it!
  2. Our experts indicate that it might be helpful to start with the thick, black border.
  3. The puzzle's first row appears to spell 'CODE:', which confirms our earlier hypothesis. We're working on the second row!
  4. We now have information on the code itself. The number on the bottom left appears to be a '1'.
  5. It seems that the only number fitting next to the '1' on the bottom left is the '2'.
  6. Another '1' appears to follow the '2'.
  7. The fourth digit is a '4'.
  8. The last digit is an '8'. That means the code for this phase is '12148'. Enter it here on your phone and get ready for the next phase!
Phase 3
  1. Our experts were unsure whether this is a riddle at all, but '21610' does not appear to be the solution!
  2. We noticed that there are small dots and dashes above and beneath the '21610'.
  3. The dots and dashes appear to be Morse codes! We're working on the translation.
  4. The upper Morse code translates to 'DOWN'.
  5. The lower Morse code translates to 'UPSIDE'. What could this mean?
  6. We noticed that the positions of 'UPSIDE' and 'DOWN' could be interpreted as flipped.
  7. Please, try to rotate the sheet of paper, holding it upside down.
  8. Turned upside down, the code reads '01912'. That must be the code for this phase!

Mission 1: Central Station

Phase 1
  1. This puzzle is strange - there aren't any numbers at all! Or are they?
  2. Our experts suggest that this puzzle is not (!) about counting anything.
  3. We showed the riddle to an architect - he pointed out that interestingly, most walls are connected to the outside walls - just a few walls seem to be free-standing.
  4. Possibly, the solution is about the shape of the free-standing walls?
  5. We may be on the right track here. On the way to the exit, the first free-standing wall has the shape of a '5'.
  6. Following the way to the exit, the next free-standing wall appears to be the one shaped like a '2'.
  7. The third digit must be a '3' - that's the shape of the next free-standing wall on the way to the exit!
  8. We have the solution! Progressing from the entrance to the exit, the free-standing walls are shaped like '52347' - that must be it!
Phase 2
  1. This puzzle looks different from the others. First of all, cut it out.
  2. Our experts suggest that, perhaps, this puzzle needs to be folded in some way?
  3. It appears that the tiny '+' in the middle of the puzzle is literally a 'central point' here.
  4. Try to fold the four corners towards the tiny '+'. Do things line up?
  5. Our experts were able to solve the puzzle's first part, ABCD are: '2374'. But what about E?
  6. It appears that E is hidden on the backside of the folded puzzle. Maybe it needs to be folded once again?
  7. Our experts folded the four corners to the middle again: E is '0', that makes the solution to this phase '23740'.
Phase 3
  1. This one must be solvable by logic. Our experts suggest writing down possibilities with 'known' positions first, like 0xxx5 and 5xxx0 (as '0' and '5' keep a maximum distance).
  2. As '4' is on the right of '5', '0xxx5' is not a possibility.
  3. '3' must be between '4' and '5' (which is, as we found out, the leftmost digit) - that might mean that the code begins with '534'.
  4. Assuming the code starts with '534', the last two digits must add up to '8'.
  5. Our arithmetics team has confirmed: '8' and '0' add up to '8'.
  6. As '5' and '0' keep a maximum distance, the '8' needs to go between the '0' and the '4'.
  7. The solution to this phase is thereby, according to our experts: '53480'.
Phase 4
  1. This riddle seems to be about chess! We have spoken to some chess experts: sometimes, master players pay special attention to patterns in the movement's traces.
  2. Don't forget: rooks move only horizontally and vertically, bishops move only diagonally. The queen can do both.
  3. Our experts suggest to solve this puzzle as a team: one person reads out the chess moves, while another draws the movement on the puzzle's game board.
  4. Our teams have worked on the solution. They report that the white rook's movement pattern is simply a downward line – this may point to a '1'.
  5. The white bishop follows, as our experts indicate, the pattern of a '3'.
  6. Another report from our experts on site: their findings indicate that the black bishop's movement has the shape of a '6'.
  7. The black rook appears to mark a '5', when traced.
  8. The white queen appears to write a '4' on the board. That makes '13654' the solution of this phase!
Phase 5
  1. This puzzle seems to be about folding. But it says 'temporarily' - we are running some tests and will keep you updated!
  2. Our astronomers point out that precisely folding the stars pairwise onto another might be of extreme importance in this puzzle.
  3. We believe that it is the most promising approach to fold the first pair of stars together, unfold the paper, and proceed with the following pair.
  4. We spoke to an origami specialist. He pointed out that it is possible to create a 'star'-like picture with five folds - perhaps, the five folds mentioned in the text will create such a picture? Is that the 'super nova'?
  5. We can hereby confirm: Folding the paper as described in the text will create a star-like picture through the folding lines. The actual code for this phase appears to be related to the number of stars within this picture.
  6. Our team on site found a possible solution: there are (beginning in the north and proceeding clockwisely) 3, 2, 2, 1 and 3 stars in the 'arms' of the star image. That must be the code for this phase!

Mission 2: Terminal

Phase 1
  1. A poem? Interesting. We have read it countless times ...
  2. Our experts are wondering what the maniac wanted to underline here.
  3. It might be possible that the maniac's 'note to self' has something to do with this.
  4. Maybe the words of this poem hide the puzzle's solution right in front of our very eyes?
  5. Some of the words seem to contain numbers! But where is the fifth digit?
  6. Try '41821' - that is, try the numbers that are hidden within the poem's words and in the initial letters of each line.
Phase 2
  1. This puzzle seems to be about finding the code in this big, chaotic picture. Likely, some shapes will add up to the code we're looking for.
  2. Our on-site teams suggest that this puzzle might follow the same structure like 'paint by numbers'.
  3. We spoke to a 'paint by numbers' professional. It appears that it is necessary to color those (and only those) shapes marked with 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' and 'E'.
  4. Our experts have discovered that, even though it is partially occluded, the first digit appears to be an '8'.
  5. Moving forward, our teams have discovered the next digit - the shapes labelled with 'B' appear to be forming a '4'.
  6. We have another number! The shapes marked 'C' appear to be forming a '7'.
  7. Another number! All fields marked 'D', when colored, appear to add up to the shape of a '0'.
  8. The last digit is a '7', our experts just found out! That means that the code for this phase must be '84707'.
Phase 3
  1. This puzzle is different than the others. The dots are clearly marked 'ABCDE', but how do they turn into numbers?
  2. Each 'dot cloud' has more than 9 dots. This means that this is not about counting them.
  3. One of our experts on site just took off his glasses. He had the feeling that this helped him to see something, but he's not sure what.
  4. We just spoke to an expert in optical philosophy. He noted that it might be extremely helpful for this kind of puzzle to view it with a lot of distance.
  5. We just tried it ourselves: viewing the puzzle from across the room helps - the dots seem to merge.
  6. We have an idea: the riddle may need to be rotated, too.
  7. Our teams experimented a little bit: viewing the puzzle on the side and from across the room makes the numbers visible: '26359' is the solution for this phase!
Phase 4
  1. Our experts are sure that the text underneath these strange symbols is a false hint by the maniac.
  2. Our team just noted that these shapes look - partly - familiar.
  3. We believe that these shapes (as there are five shapes in total) are somehow modified digits.
  4. We spoke to a symmetrician. He noted that all of the shapes are symmetric.
  5. One of our experts on site just noticed that the fourth shape looks like a '4', only mirrored!
  6. Another insight: the first shape could be a '2', if one looks only at its right half.
  7. We applied the same strategy to the other shapes - looking always only at half of the shape, these symbols can be read as '21743'. That could be the solution for this phase!
Phase 5
  1. Our experts are certain that this riddle is related to LCD displays. They suggest to cut out the black 'display' and also to remove the inner segments.
  2. It appears that the black 'display' is just as high as the pattern area of the puzzle is wide. Maybe rotating the pattern area would be a good idea?
  3. Placing the 'display' on the pattern is a promising approach - our experts are evaluating different options of how to proceed.
  4. Another idea from our on-site team: Try moving the display from the left to the right over the pattern, dividing it into five equal parts.
  5. If that doesn't work, try to turn the pattern upside-down.
  6. We just spoke to the owner of an LCD watch. He noted that a '0' is sometimes displayed smaller on these displays, in order to increase its readability.
  7. Our team just discovered part of the solution! Moving the display from the left to the right over the pattern, they were able to read '362' - that must be the beginning of the code!
  8. The code ends with '50', our team just found out. The '0' was displayed smaller. That makes '36250' the solution for this phase!

Mission 3: Elevator

Phase 1
  1. In a sudoku, the numbers from 1 to 9 must appear exactly once in every row, in every column, and in every small (3x3) square.
  2. In the 8th row of the 9th column (next to the '4', below the '9') needs to be a '3': a '3' is missing in this small square, it can't go into the bottom row, and also not into the 6's column.
  3. In the same 3x3 square (on the bottom right), the '8' needs to go into the bottom left field, underneath the '6' and next to the '1'. It can't go into the middle or top rows, and it can't go into the right column.
  4. For the 7th row, this means that its second field contains the '3', the middle field contains the '5' and that C is '4'.
  5. I'll give you the numbers for the third row: 287 491 536.
  6. A is '8', B is '7', C is '4', D is '5' and E is '9'. Hurry up with the rest!
Phase 2
  1. Get your scissors and tape ready, it's time to build a cube!
  2. Once you completed your cubistic masterpiece, follow my instructions in the document.
  3. Don't forget: there is a difference between twisting and tilting!
  4. Always, always, always: double-check north, east, west, and south. They're changing quicker than you'd expect!
  5. Following my instructions, you should end up with digit A being '2'.
  6. If you haven't got '0' for B, I can't help you either.
  7. All right, the solution is '20832' - I am very, very disappointed!
Phase 3
  1. Did I tell you that I am actually a big fan of accordion music?
  2. It is getting very hot in here! Could you, please, build me a fan?
  3. When folding, use the black dashes on the sides for keeping the folds in rhythm.
  4. All black dashes on each side should 'point' into the same direction.
  5. ... and all the white ones into the other direction!
  6. Holy flip image!
  7. Depending on from where you look at it, you should be seeing two parts of an equation.
  8. The equation, 3883+8388, gives you '12271'. Better luck next time!
Phase 4
  1. Finally, the crytographer in you can get to work! Go ahead, cut out those rulers!
  2. If P=M, then V becomes S.
  3. If X=O, then J becomes A.
  4. I hope you're not trying to solve this one without a team partner. This is all about teamwork, don't forget!
  5. Translating the code using the rulers, you should end up with a very large number.
  6. Just in case you thought that it'd be faster to just wait for me giving you the ultimate hint: I've got plenty of time. You don't.
  7. '12345'. So simple! I wish that would be the solution for this puzzle. Unfortunately, it's not. Good for you: You can cross that one off your list!
  8. Why don't you just try this one? '72883' - if you think I'm disappointed, don't worry. At least, you have proven that you can be very patient!
Phase 5
  1. Ah, the good old spinning disc! While you cut these out and put them together, I'll practice my pirate voice!
  2. If you don't have one of those fold-back clips (who does?!) to put in the middle of your discs, don't worry. Improvise!
  3. Behind you! A three-headed monkey!
  4. Follow the instructions, it's really not that hard. The first instruction should give you a '2', for example.
  5. The second one leads to a '3'. By the way: be careful with the fifth one, that one's got a twist!
  6. The third leads you to another '3'.
  7. The fourth one will result in a '2'.
  8. The fifth one will lead to a '4'. I knew you wouldn't have figured this out yourself.

Mission 4: Rollercoaster

Phase 1
  1. This puzzle seems to be about connecting the dots - but there are numbers missing, as it seems. For now, you should probably work on the other puzzles!
  2. The missing numbers appear to be in similar pictures on later pages in the document. Some numbers even appear multiple times!
  3. We think it is safe to draw a straight line between a number and its successor, as long as they are in the same picture.
  4. Number 1 and number 30 appear to be in every single one of the three images. Compare their positions, relative to each other.
  5. Our experts just asked: do you have a flashlight? Your mobile phone's LED will also do.
  6. Our team on site came up with an idea: stack all three images on top of each other, so that all three dots marked '1' and all three dots marked '30' line up.
  7. Try to draw lines from number to number, as if all numbers were on the same page. Use a bright light source!
  8. One of our experts on site just found the solution! Connecting all the dots leads to a picture of '43608'!
Phase 2
  1. This maze seems to be different than the previous one! While our experts analyze it, try to find a way through it!
  2. Our experts say that the most likely approach to a solution would be incorporating the letters in the maze.
  3. As soon as you have found a way through the maze, make sure it doesn't take any detours!
  4. How many 'A's are on the way you found through the maze? We recommend working on this with at least two people.
  5. We are now following this approach. We found the letter 'A' 9 times.
  6. We found 'B' 7 times.
  7. 'C', we found 5 times.
  8. Ultimately, we found 'D' 8 times, and 'E' 9 times. That should make '97589' the solution to this phase!
Phase 3
  1. Our experts are analyzing this picture. It doesn't appear to contain any numbers!
  2. We are trying to reach a specialist for numeric symmetry, but no luck yet ...
  3. The word 'mirror' can be deciphered in the picture - but it appears to be mirrored!
  4. If you don't have a mirror, you can probably use a switched-off mobile phone.
  5. Our experts believe that the mirror has to be positioned horizontally.
  6. The analysis has just yielded another insight: the mirror should, according to our experts, be placed above the picture.
  7. We have the solution! Placing the mirror above the picture, facing down, mirrors the image so that it, as a whole, reads '31808'.
Phase 4
  1. We believe that this puzzle is basically a test for analytical thinking. The first row appears to be an example.
  2. All sequences seem to follow a certain pattern, which needs to be applied also to the last number, in order to find the missing next number.
  3. Our team on site reports that it is likely that the second row follows the pattern of 'divided by 2'. That would result in A being '1'.
  4. In the third row, two operations seem to occur in turns: 'minus 2' and 'divided by 2'. That would make B '5'.
  5. Row four appears to be governed by a pattern of subtraction, but the steps appear to become smaller.
  6. Row five starts off with high numbers, that makes things harder. Can you work your way backwards, starting with the 4, and moving to the left, to determine the pattern?
  7. In row six, things seem to be a bit more complicated. Write the operations down and see if you can spot a pattern!
  8. Our mathematicians just came up with '15029' as the solution. Can you confirm that?
Phase 5
  1. We believe that this puzzle requires cutting out the shape.
  2. Some fragments of numbers are visible here, but they seem to require certain alignment.
  3. To align the numbers, it might be necessary to roll the paper.
  4. Our experts believe that it could be helpful to roll the paper around a pencil or something similar.
  5. Rolling the paper correctly appears to result in well-aligned characters and numbers, similar to an equation.
  6. We just evaluated the equation - the result is '26208'! That must be the solution for this phase!

Mission 5: Subway

Phase 1
  1. Our experts believe that each of these 'broken squares' stands for one digit of the solution.
  2. Our experts just sent a message: they believe that this puzzle is based on some kind of overlap.
  3. Which parts of the lines fit into the broken squares?
  4. We believe that a bright light source will be helpful for solving this puzzle.
  5. Try to fold the second row of symbols over the first one - it should fit in. This might be about white symbols in black boxes ...
  6. Use a bright light source (for example, your mobile phone's LED) to see the emerging pattern of the overlapping symbol sequences.
  7. Good news from our experts! Rotate everything on the side! Then, you should be able to read, from the top to the bottom: '50328'!
Phase 2
  1. This puzzle demands logical thinking, our experts agree. They believe it is necessary to choose the correct 'next step'. The first sequence seems to be an example.
  2. In all sequences, it seems that one or more elements change from picture to picture, while others remain the same.
  3. We spoke to a sequentiologist: sequence A might resemble a clock, with only one hand moving. The solution here appears to be '3'.
  4. In sequence B, our experts report, two elements change. They should be observed independently from each other. What is the next logical step?
  5. Sequence C appears to be about mirroring. We're working on it!
  6. We've got something on Sequence D: the movement of the dots should be viewed independently of the movement of the circle segment!
  7. Sequence E is, apparently, about rotation.
  8. Our team has just sent over a possible solution - '38129' - could you try this one?
Phase 3
  1. Even to our experts on site, this puzzle is highly enigmatic. It seems to not even contain any numbers. Perhaps, it is related to the subway?
  2. Our experts suspect a relation to an ancient numerical notation system. We're following up on this one.
  3. We spoke to a specialist in subway planning. He says that this is not about subway trains, even though it reminds him of ancient Roman aqueducts.
  4. Our teams on site suspect that this puzzle has to be rotated by 90 degrees in order to be solved.
  5. We tried to reach out to an archeologist, specialised on ancient numerical notation systems - no luck yet, though.
  6. The archeologist called us back! He suggests that this puzzle might be related to Roman numbers. We're working on this.
  7. Rotated on the side, this image almost looks like five Roman numbers underneath each other.
  8. IX, III, VI, III, VIII - that means: '93638'!
Phase 4
  1. We're a bit lost on this one - these signs look like fragments of numbers, but we can't see how they would fit together.
  2. A message from our team at the crime scene: they're counting about 15 signs - but we only need 5 digits. How could the symbols be combined into numbers?
  3. Some symbols may have been mirrored: the last sign looks like part of a '4', but strangely flipped.
  4. We're consulting a foldologist. This puzzle might be about folding the paper in the right ways!
  5. Here's an idea we're currently developing: the puzzle might require two folds, folding the four groups of symbols all above each other - forming a single five-digit code.
  6. We highly recommend using your mobile phone's LED to make the combined code visible after folding.
  7. The order of the folds matters, the foldologist just informed us.
  8. Having folded the symbols onto each other, a combined code becomes visible: '84810'!
Phase 5
  1. The code must be somewhere within this letter square - we're currently running an image recognition algorithm on this!
  2. Our experts just pointed out that this puzzle might be related to the words noted underneath the letter square.
  3. After considering a specialist in enigmatic typography, we now know that the hidden words can be written horizontally, vertically, even diagonally and backwards!
  4. We believe that the hidden words are grouped, even partially overlapping.
  5. The word 'ATTACK' appears to begin in the third column of the third row. If you haven't yet: start marking the words' positions in the letter square!
  6. Another finding by our experts on site: 'MISSION' is spelled vertically, starting in the first row, almost in the middle.
  7. 'AIRPORT' is spelled diagonally. Its 'T' is in the second row, in the fourth column from the right.
  8. Good news! We found all the words! Their positions describe five numbers: '21468'!

Mission 6: Cruise Ship

Phase 1
  1. Oh, that's a surprisingly empty page! Any thing that points to the solution?
  2. Our pointologists found these arrows on almost every page!
  3. Perhaps you can point matching arrows towards each other? Pages on the floor, next to each other?
  4. Start with the A arrows, ignoring B, C, D and E for now.
  5. Point A1 to A1, A2 to A2, and so on.
  6. Our experts say that the 'A' pages take the shape of a '3' when laid out on the floor?!
  7. The last one is tricky. Can you bend the page so it works?
  8. ... that makes a circle - a 0, right? The solution should be 32460, then!
Phase 2
  1. We know this kind of code. It is called a QR code. Our experts say that they link to the internet. They are scanning it right now!
  2. Bad news. The code doesn't work for our experts. Does it for you?
  3. We spoke to a QRologist. She says that these codes have three orientation marks: two on the left, one on the right.
  4. This code must be on its side, though!
  5. Wait, is there a '3' WRITTEN IN the QR code?
  6. Our checker checkers found more numbers! '2', '9', '3' and '5'! But no fifth number.
  7. Ah, that fifth number is written white-on-black! It's a 7!
  8. The final code seems to be 29357 - can you try it?
Phase 3
  1. We spoke to a tempographer. He says that we should add hands to these clocks.
  2. There are different times noted across the document.
  3. Did you try adding hands for each city, according to the time information spread across the mission?
  4. Once added, the hands may seem to show us something?
  5. The hands from the clocks together show large numbers!
  6. The numbers shown by all the hands together seem to be '73625' - could you try that?
Phase 4
  1. A scale! And so beautifully in balance!
  2. It's weighing 24kg in total - that means 12kg per half!
  3. The left half has two halves itself: each must weigh 6kg!
  4. ... then each circle must weigh 2kg!
  5. ... and each small rectangle must weigh 3kg.
  6. On the right, each star must weigh 1kg.
  7. The square weighs 4kg!
  8. ... that makes 42138 the solution!
Phase 5
  1. Uh-oh! This puzzle seems to be broken?! No numbers!
  2. Our experts say that this puzzle may consist of multiple parts.
  3. We spoke to a stackologist. She said that we might try to stack things?
  4. If there is a bright light source, perhaps you can use it?
  5. Once stacked properly, the pieces seem to add up to numbers!
  6. The order is surely in reading order.
  7. We got it! The first digit is '0'!
  8. Our experts solved it! Try '09863'!

Mission 7: Prison

Phase 1
  1. Oh cute! A robot! But how can you control it?
  2. I think there is a remote control. Somewhere.
  3. The keyboard of the remote control should remind you of something.
  4. The remote control looks just like the code entry pad, doesn't it?
  5. Come on. Do not hold it horizontally. Align the receiver!
  6. Now guide the robot to the charging outlet. One step per button press!
  7. Using the code entry pad AS your remote control. But hold it vertically!
  8. ... and you will end up having entered '05450'. So simple!
Phase 2
  1. Oh, so many numbers!
  2. Too long! And the stupid '6441' on the other page is clearly too short.
  3. What if you cut the '6441'? Along those lines?
  4. Does your new ruler fit somewhere?
  5. Oh, this reminds me so much of driving school.
  6. Perhaps your newly-cut ruler can help you select a column of numbers?
  7. The second column from the right looks good?
  8. The ruler point on '32738' in that line! Can you try that?
Phase 3
  1. Finally, a love song maker? Try to make some nice love songs!
  2. Work through the love song ideas. Cut out the connecting lines.
  3. I just love roman numbers!
  4. Connecting the words with the lines, you should get some nice roman numbers.
  5. Like 'II' for the first line, which should quickly lead you to '2'.
  6. Or 'I' for the second., 'IX' for the third.
  7. And a sideways 'IV' for the fourth.
  8. ... and 'V'! That should make '21945'?
Phase 4
  1. Oh my god. A maze!
  2. I love mazes. I just hope this really is one?
  3. Okay, it's not a maze. Try to look at it from a distance.
  4. Try to cover the entire image, except for the left fifth.
  5. Do you see a '0' in the left fifth?
  6. Perhaps, all the top-right to bottom-left stripes mean something?
  7. Try coloring all areas that are striped in ONE direction.
  8. ... and you should see it yourself: 02372.
Phase 5
  1. Grandma! Why do you have such a long shopping list?
  2. There are multiple recipe ideas in the documents. Do we have everything?
  3. We spoke to a grandmother. She says that she just loves to hide things in the shopping list.
  4. The grandmother said that she likes to use the position of things in the shopping list for that.
  5. Could you try to connect the items in the shopping list for each recipe? Follow the recipe's order!
  6. The ingredients of the Grandma's Cookies, when connected with lines, describe the shape of a '3'!
  7. The ingredients of Grandma's Cake on the shopping list are describing a '5'!
  8. We connected them all! The solution must be '35426'!

Mission 8: Bus

Phase 1
  1. What is that?! Shapes?!
  2. We just got information from a shapeologist. He says these shapes vary in form!
  3. To be specifically, they vary in the number of their corners!
  4. Could you try counting the corners? We're also working on this.
  5. The first shape has 3 corners, we just confirmed that with our experts.
  6. The second shape has 6 corners. Can you verify this?
  7. The circle has no corners. We're not sure, but that is our working hypothesis.
  8. The counts of the corners, from left to right: 36047 - does this work?
Phase 2
  1. Our experts just warned us: do not act too fast here!
  2. The blackmailer likes to hide things between the lines. But where?
  3. Before cutting out anything, take a good look. What needs to be cut?
  4. What should not be cut?
  5. Take a look at the puzzle piece on the last page. Put it back in if you cut it.
  6. Our experts found a secret morse code IN the line around that puzzle piece!
  7. We started decoding it! It begins with 'FIFTYFIVETHOUSAND'...
  8. ... THREEHUNDREDSEVENTYONE - that's '55371', can you enter it? Hurry up!
Phase 3
  1. Oh, what is this? The letters from the top must go into the bottom half?
  2. Each must stay in its column? Okay, so no horizontal movements!
  3. We think we are on the way to the solution. NINE seems to fit in the first slot.
  4. The letters N, I, N and E are therefore no longer usable for the other lines.
  5. The next word could be 'SIX'. It's getting easier now, less letters to sort in!
  6. Which numbers have five letters? We're speaking to a numerolinguist to find one.
  7. They all fit in! We believe that EIGHT is the last one.
  8. We just managed to complete it! 96378 is our solution - can you try if it works?
Phase 4
  1. That is another poem! We're analyzing it as we speak.
  2. We spoke to a poet. Some of the words are awkward.
  3. The poet also said that the wording of the sentences can’t be natural.
  4. Are there words hidden in the sentences?
  5. The first answer is EIGHT, do you see it?
  6. The second answer is THREE.
  7. There surely is a SEVEN in line three.
  8. We got it! The final answer is '83759'!
Phase 5
  1. We spoke to gridology professor. She said shading is important.
  2. I'm forwarding her notes: Work back and forth.
  3. Mark any squares that won’t be shaded in with a dot.
  4. Any rows or columns with 0 have no shaded in squares.
  5. Any columns with 5 has all shaded in squares.
  6. The first number is 5.
  7. The second number is 1.
  8. We got it! All shaded! The answer is 51347.

Mission 9: Bank

Phase 1
  1. What is this? But okay: follow the directions.
  2. We believe it's good to write the letters after each step.
  3. Write down 'START'. Then be careful and follow the instructions.
  4. If you get nothing at the end, start over.
  5. Write blocky letters when capitalizing.
  6. The final word is hELLO.
  7. Flip hELLO over to see the answer.
  8. Got it! The answer is 07734!
Phase 2
  1. Phone call!
  2. We just got word from a phonologist. The letters under the digits are important.
  3. Could the numbers in the phone number have another meaning?
  4. The numbers could correspond with letters.
  5. Our experts say there are 3-4 choices of letter per number. What does it spell?
  6. The first answer could be '5'.
  7. The second answer is likely to be '4'.
  8. '54781' - can you try that?
Phase 3
  1. This seems to be about counting the marks.
  2. We spoke to our bookkeeping expert - he says that the numbers are often summed up!
  3. We noted that some marks are aligned to the right, but not all.
  4. Our experts suggest that the solution might be not counting anything here.
  5. Could you try looking at this puzzle with a bit of distance?
  6. The counting marks in the first column seem to have the shape of a '3'?!
  7. Perhaps, the counting marks in every column have the shape of a number?
  8. The counting marks indeed DO have the shapes of '37269'!
Phase 4
  1. Math! We're trying to find a mathematician!
  2. Begin with the easy ones.
  3. C=2 - that's statistically the case in most equations!
  4. What other number is easy to find?
  5. Zero is never a solution.
  6. G=4. We know of no equation in which that was ever not the case.
  7. K=9 - we just got confirmation for that!
  8. The final answer seems to be 46029!
Phase 5
  1. It looks like these pieces can be cut out.
  2. The outer edge seems to be thicker!
  3. We spoke to our chief puzzleologist. The completed puzzle is 5 blocks high.
  4. Our experts say that the shaded blocks are important.
  5. Perhaps they fit into each other without leaving a gap?
  6. Attention: The first number is 8.
  7. The next number must be a 4-ish number!
  8. All assembled! The answer is 84372. Can you try that?